Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Most heart attacks and strokes are caused by blood clots that enter the heart or brain. Plavix works by making your platelets (cells in the blood that form clots) less sticky. In addition to preventing dangerous blood clots, Plavix interferes with the body's normal clotting function. This means that if you are taking Plavix and you begin to bleed, you may bleed more heavily or for a longer time than you would if you were not taking this medication.
Most people who take Plavix are able to tolerate the drug. This means that the side effects they experience are not severe enough to cause them to stop taking the medication. Plavix is less likely to cause serious side effects than other drugs that work in the same way. The most common side effects associated with taking Plavix are itchy skin, rashes, easy bruising, increased bleeding from injuries and purplish spots on the skin.
Some side effects caused by Plavix can indicate serious problems. Black, tarry stools may mean that you have bleeding in your intestines. Vomiting up blood or material that looks like coffee grounds are signs that your esophagus or stomach are bleeding. Blood in the urine is a symptom of bleeding in the bladder or urinary tract. If you experience these side effects, or any other disturbing symptoms, while taking Plavix, call your doctor immediately.
Plavix is a relatively safe drug compared to other drugs that thin the blood, such as Warfarin. However, there are some people who should not take Plavix. These include people who have active stomach ulcers, bleeding problems or severe liver disease. Plavix may also cause problems if you take other medications, including some over-the-counter drugs. Be sure to discuss any medical conditions you have and any other drugs you take with your doctor. Although Plavix has not been shown to cause birth defects or problems with nursing infants, you should ask your doctor whether it is safe to become pregnant or breastfeed while taking this medication.
A serious condition called TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) has occurred in people who are taking Plavix. This condition is very rare, but if it does occur, it can be life-threatening. Symptoms of TTP include fever, weakness and confusion. If you experience these symptoms while taking Plavix, call your doctor right away. Plavix increases the amount of bleeding associated with surgical and dental procedures. You must temporarily stop taking this medication before having an operation or extensive dental work. Ask your doctor for advice about when to stop taking and resume taking Plavix if you require medical procedures or dental work.

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